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About Respect My Beautiful Counseling & Consulting

Our Vision

Our vision is to empower, encourage, and enlighten as many lives as humanly possible, fostering a world where individuals are supported and inspired to reach their full potential.

Our Mission

In a safe, non-judgmental, and comfortable environment, our mission is to provide mental health services that foster healing, growth, and well-being for young girls and women. Our diverse team of compassionate women offer guidance, effective strategies, and valuable education, empowering individuals to enhance their quality of life. We believe in nurturing resilience, self-acceptance, and personal growth on the journey to mental wellness. Through our commitment to creating a supportive space, we aim to make a positive and lasting impact on the lives of our clients.


  • Dedication: We are dedicated to helping, encouraging, empowering, enlightening, and educating the people we serve.
  • Respect: We promise to serve in a respectful manner, honoring the dignity and worth of each individual.
  • Honesty: We commit to honest and transparent communication in all our interactions.
  • Effectiveness: We strive to provide effective and impactful mental health services to benefit our clients.
  • Efficiency: We promise to deliver our services efficiently, making the best use of resources and time.
  • Ethical Behavior: We uphold the highest ethical standards in all our actions and decisions.
  • Continuous Improvement: We are committed to providing the best mental health services to those we serve by continuously expanding our knowledge, education, and training.

Our Counseling Services

Counseling services encompass a variety of forms such as individual, couples, group, and family counseling. At the core of counseling is the therapeutic relationship built between the therapist and client(s). Through these sessions, the therapist teaches clients new strategies and techniques to address and alleviate symptoms that may be affecting their daily functioning. The goal of counseling is to provide a safe and supportive space for clients to explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, leading to positive changes and improved well-being.

Our Consulting Services

Consulting services provided by our organization extend to supporting various organizations and agencies in addressing psychological challenges faced by groups of individuals. Our services include designing and implementing tailored programs, webinars, training sessions, workshops, and online classes. These offerings are strategically developed to assist organizations in enhancing their capacity to meet the specific needs of their target populations effectively. Through our consulting services, we aim to empower organizations to navigate and address psychological challenges with precision and impact.

Let's talk about how we can work together!

Our Story

"Respect My Beautiful" was created in September 2016 with a powerful purpose: to support young girls and women in building their self-esteem and self-confidence. This mission was deeply personal, stemming from a tragic experience with dating violence that shattered the founder's family. Recognizing the universal impact of low self-esteem and the potential for positive change through self-love, the founder resolved to make a difference.

In October 2018, "Respect My Beautiful" expanded its services to include counseling and consulting. This step was taken to honor the core mission of nurturing young girls and women to blossom and thrive despite the challenges they face. The organization is committed to providing support and guidance to help individuals overcome obstacles that disrupt their daily lives. The ultimate aspiration is to empower, encourage, and enlighten as many young girls and women as possible, ensuring that the impact of their counseling and mentoring services endures for years to come.

Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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